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Framed FAQ

What is Framed by Stay Woke?

  • Framed, formally known as the Digital Youth Album, is a digital magazine platform where youth creators can publish and be recognized for their work (on our site, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn).

  • This initiative runs roughly every month, and there is a new theme per issue.


Who can submit?

  • Youth ages 15-22 in Ontario


What can I submit?

  • Submissions will be placed into our digital magazine, which allows for almost any creative medium. This includes: written pieces (poetry, short stories, articles) and visual pieces (drawings, digital art, paintings, photography).


What kind of pieces are you looking for? 

  • We want your interpretation of our prompt “Stories Worth Sharing,” how you interpret that is all up to you! Our prompts are often vague for the purpose of keeping your options open. 


What are the important deadlines I should know?

  • For this term, submissions for pieces are open from January 12th- February 12th. 

  • You will know if your piece has been submitted no later than 1 week after February 12th!


Why should I submit my work?

Community and Networking 

  • Through submitting your work, you are contributing to a larger creative entity where your work will be shared next to other youth creators. 

Because you can make this experience your own!

  • As a creative community, we love giving our youth creators complete creative freedom to make their experience worthwhile. So while you are just submitted work through a google form, it could be so much more if that is something you crave!

  • This initiative allows for you to become as engaged as you’d like in the community - this includes engaging with our audience to share the inspiration behind your work, speaking about your creative journey or simply having a conversation with other youth creators!

Stay Woke 

Speak your truth.

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