Content Research Lead
Leading a small research team in the collaboration of well-researched content to produce Stay Woke Sunday’s (bi-weekly informational research-based posts informing audience on social issues)
Presenting research topics relevant to Stay Woke mission or target audience
Ensuring all topics are relevant and approached through an intersectional lens
Leading individual team discussions to facilitate content brainstraining, development of rough content outline and final outline
Strong input of passion, vision and perspective into the topics chosen to research
Guiding content schedule to develop research and writing deadlines in accordance with portfolio timelines
Liaison between research team and CRD team lead
Time Commitment: 3 hours a bi-weekly, monthly general meetings, bi-weekly portfolio meetings
Dedication and willingness to put time and effort into researching and developing well-informed content
Strong leadership skills
Desire to take initiative
Strong research, critical analysis
Strong written communication
Strong understanding of current political/social issues and perspectives
Strong time management skills and ability to balance school with extracurricular commitments